RACH CH AllAround First Edition RM2 RAE2 HT MX MXB MXJ MJB NF CGCA MV - "Fergus"

CH MACH4 Estrella Theres A Breeze AllAround BN, RI, HT, MXC, MJB2, MJP, NF, CGCA, TKI, MV  x CH Diotimas Last Word Photo by T&C Photography

About Fergus

Fergus is my pick puppy from the Brie to Scrum litter born on February 1, 2013. He is a sweet, silly and extremely affectionate boy. While he loves to work and is very driven in agility, his greatest joy in life is to be cuddled on the sofa with his head on my lap. He spends a lot of his time as a therapy dog with my father. Together they visit various hospitals, rehab centers and nursing homes to help with physical therapy and bring joy to the patients. They also visit schools and libraries as a “reading dog” team, providing a non-judgmental listening ear to children who are learning to read. He is the perfect all-around dog I was hoping for when I started my breeding program. He has even earned the highest level of versatility awarded by the Bearded Collie Club of America - the Master of Versatility title!

Health Clearances & Pedigree

Eyes - OFA Normal

Hips - OFA Fair

Thyroid - OFA Normal

Fergus' Pedigree


February 4, 2023: Fergus received an invitation to compete at the 2023 AKC Rally® National Championship! 


August 18, 2022: How do we beat the summer heat? In the pool, of course!

April 15, 2022: RACH Fergus!!! Fergus earned his Rally Championship today! He’s now RACH CH AllAround First Edition RM2 RAE2 HT MX MXB MXJ MJB NF CGCA. With this title he has also earned the highest level of versatility awarded by the Bearded Collie Club of America, the Master of Versatility title. I’m so proud of him!!!


March 13, 2022: Fergus has been invited to compete in the 2022 AKC Rally® National Championship! I don't think we're going to go but what an honor!

February 27, 2022: We've been focusing on Rally a lot for the last year working towards getting his Rally Championship. We're almost there! As you can tell, he really enjoys it!

December 25, 2021: If you look closely, you'll see Fergus on the big screen in Spider Man: No Way Home!

October 22, 2021: I took Fergus and Sage to a cabin in North Georgia for the weekend and they had a blast playing in the leaves!

August 28, 2021: Fergus earned his Rally Advanced Excellent (RAE) title this weekend and picked up quite a few masters points too! What a good boy!


July 7, 2021: I decided to place an ad in the upcoming BCCA Beardie Bulletin to recognize Fergus' and Sage's big wins! I love how it turned out.

June 19, 2021: Holy cow!!! Fergus won High in Trial for Rally at the National Specialty for the scond year in a row!!! He won High Triple, High Combined AND High Scoring Veteran!! I'm so incredibly proud of him!!!

June 18, 2021: We've arrived in St. Louis for the 2020 (yes it's a year late due to COVID) BCCA National Specialty. It will be a fun week of agility, Rally and Conformation for us. Fergus had a blast running two days of agility. Lots of qualifying runs and tons of ribbons. So proud of my boy.

October 17, 2020: We took a group walk after I voted.

July 17, 2020: Fergus has such an amazing bond with my father.

June 30, 2020: My father and Fergus have been missing their therapy and reading dog visits due to COVID, so he recently started doing remote reading visits via Zoom calls. One of the kids sent my father a poem she wrote for them. The “U” is hilarious! How cute is this???

March 19, 2020: My father and I have been taking every opportunity to go for walks and hikes during this COIVD outbreak. It's so nice being able to spend time together.

February 3, 2020: I can't believe Fergus is already 7 years old! Where has the time gone?!? We celebrated his birthday with an ice cream after a therapy dog visit to Emory University with he and Brie.

September 20, 2019: As I mentioned below, Fergus had a GREAT 2019 BCCA National Specialty. He did really well in agility, too. He got to join us on our hiking adventures and we had a blast!

September 17, 2019: Fergus won High in Trial (High Triple) in Rally at the 2019 BCCA National Specialty! This was our first time ever competing in Masters, so imagine my surprise when we won! I couldn't be more proud of that boy. I love him so much!

August 20, 2019: Fergus spent the summer doing lots and lots of therapy visits. He's such a natural at it and he truly loves it!

March 26, 2019: Fergus was invited to be on American Ninja Warrior on NBC!!! How crazy is that?!? It should air in late May or early June. Hopefully we'll actually make it on TV!

March 5, 2019: We've had such a fun few weeks! We've traveled to New Orleans for herding, where he earned his Herding Tested (HT) title and had some beautiful runs in agility. I love this boy so much!

December 15, 2018: We entered a one-day two-trial Rally competition and Fergus was awesome!!! He earned his Rally Excellent (RE) title and went on to get his first two legs towards the RAE title. He scored so well that he even tied for High in Trial! He loves Rally and I couldn't be more proud of him.

June 25, 2018: I took all of the dogs to a Rally & Obedience competition and they all did great! Fergus was competing in Rally Advanced for the first time and he qualified all three days earning him his Rally Advanced title (RA)! I'm so proud of him. We received tons of compliments on his heeling and had multiple strangers tell us that we should train for competitive obedience. Maybe one day!

March 13, 2018: Fergus earned his AX on Saturday and got his first QQ on Sunday! What a good boy!

January 28, 2018: The AllAround crew had an awesome weekend in Nashville! Fergus earned his AXJ and even got his first MACH points in Standard. I'm so proud of this boy!

July 7, 2017: I can't believe it! Fergus just won the 2017 Orvis Cover Dog contest with this awesome photo! He's going to be the face of Orvis for the next year!

December 24, 2016: Fergus is becoming quite the therapy dog! He has many regular visits including hospitals, rehab centers, nursing homes, libraries and mroe. He loves it!

July 30, 2016: Fergus, Brooke and Colby all did great at the Rally competition and Fergus got his Rally Novice title with a high schore of 99!

May 16, 2016: Fergus has been whizzing through agility lately. He breezed through novice in one weekend and is almost through open a couple weeks later! He's running great and has gotten all 1st and 2nd places so far!

November 7, 2015: I entered Fergus in an agility trial just to see where we were at training wise, and he surprised me with a Q and a 2nd place! We're getting there!

October 28, 2015: Unfortunately, Fergus has kind of taken a back seat to the girls. He's not quite ready for the agility ring yet, but we're working on it! He's also turning out to be a really good therapy dog!

May 10, 2015: Fergus had a very successful weekend at the big conformation show picking up multiple Select Dogs, a Best of Opposite, a GCH major, and multiple defeated champions. He's well on his way to earning his Grand Champion! He also got to play with his litter mate, Mowgli. They had a blast!

April 28, 2015: Fergus loves being a therapy dog! We had a nice break from the typical hospice and hospital visits and participated in the local university's "Paws & Relax" program. During finals week, they bring in a few therapy dogs as a stress reliever for the students. He loved it!

January 31, 2015: Fergus is now a Champion of Record!  He finished his championship with a 3-point major one day and a 5-point major the next day! He's my first homegrown champion and I couldn't be prouder! Plus, now we can focus on agility and herding!

January 20, 2015: Fergus participated in his first Agility B-Match this weekend and did great! He's almost ready to start competing.He also went on his first Therapy visit and LOVED it! It was his dream come true - an hour of visiting and kissing people!

December 10, 2014: Fergus has spent the fall in training. We've been working hard getting him ready to compete in agility. I've been spending a lot of time on foundation exercises, but he'll probably be ready to start competing in the spring. Fergus has actually fallen in love with another sport as well - herding! I believe Bearded Collies shouldn't be bred unless they have shown herding instinct, but I have never really trained or competed in herding. I have recently found an amazing instructor and Fergus has proven to be quite a natural at it. I hope to put him in the herding ring in the spring as well!

October 1, 2014: I am very proud of Fergus' performance at the 2014 BCCA National Specialty. We started off in agility where he was entered in Novice JWW. He was nowhere near ready to be in the ring so we treated it like a practice run and he was fabulous - speedy, confident, etc. In conformation he was entered in an extremely competitive Bred-By class. I felt slightly out of place with the top breeders in the country but he made the cut, for which I am extremely proud. We didn't walk away with any ribbons but he looked fabulous and showed very well.

August 23, 2014: Fergus went to his fourth conformation show and walked away with Winners Dog both days and Best of Opposite Sex on Sunday so we got another three points towards our CH.

April 12, 2014: Fergus went to his third conformation show and walked away with Winners Dog and Best of Winners on both Friday (2 pts) and Saturday (4 pt major). He showed like a champ! So we now have 6 points and a major. Not only did Fergus have a great weekend, but his mother, Brie, got her MACH and his aunt, Mia (Estrella Bearded Collies), finished her CH that day too! It was a great weekend for sure!

January 22, 2014: The Beardie Bulletin arrived with Judge Pat Hastings' critiques. I've always thought he was exceptional but it's nice to hear it from someone else too!


December 17, 2013: I finally got our photos and videos from the BCCA National Specialty. I'm so thrilled with how well Fergus did and how many wonderful compliments we got. I'm excited about finally showing him in some all-breed shows in 2014!



October 5, 2013: I'm so thrilled with how well Fergus did at the BCCA National Specialty! He was entered in an extremely competitive huge (almost 20 dogs) 6-9 month puppy class. In sweeps, Chet Jezierski gave him a 4th place. In regular classes, Pat Hastings gave him a 2nd place! I'm so thrilled! He showed beautifully and got many compliments. While we were there he earned his HIC (Herding Instinct Certificate). For fun, I decided to enter him in Rally Obedience. With *no* training, he did beautifully and tied for 3rd place (even beating his mother)! What an amazing little boy I've got!

August 13, 2013:   Fergus, with my father at the other end of the leash, passed their CGC test with flying colors earning them both their first title ever! I'm so proud of them both. That's quite an accomplishment for a six month old puppy.
July 18, 2013:   My father and Fergus have graduated from puppy obedience class. Fergus is now an AKC S.T.A.R. puppy.


Photos of Fergus